Are you looking for best quotes about life? then you are at the right place. We have come up with a handpicked collection of best short quotes about life and inspirational quotes about life lessons.
Don’t forget to read inspirational quotes on friendship with images.
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.― Robert Frost
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.― Buddha
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.― Will Smith
Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.― Sai Baba
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.― George Bernard Shaw
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.― Erma Bombeck
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life define yourself.― Harvey Fierstein
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.― William James
Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.― Mark Twain
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.― John Burroughs
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.― Albert Camus
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.― Sholom Aleichem
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.― John F. Kennedy
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.― Confucius
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.― George Washington Carver
The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.― Eminem
Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?― Bob Marley
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.― John Lennon
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.― Henry David Thoreau
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.― Lao Tzu
My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.― Cary Grant
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.― Albert Einstein
I have a simple philosophy: Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches.― Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out.― Anton Chekhov
The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.― Audrey Hepburn
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.― Joseph Campbell
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.― William Shakespeare
I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.― E. B. White
Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.― Simone de Beauvoir
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.― William Wallace
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.― Henry David Thoreau
If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.― Bruce Lee
A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.― James Allen
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.― Havelock Ellis
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.― Mark Twain
Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.― Soren Kierkegaard
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. Friedrich Nietzsche
A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on. Carl Sandburg
To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance. Buddha
Remember when life’s path is steep to keep your mind even. Horace
Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time. Miguel Angel Ruiz
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. Mark Twain
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. Helen Keller
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. E. M. Forster
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Henry David Thoreau
Don’t go through life, grow through life. Eric Butterworth
Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it. Irving Berlin
The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Joseph Campbell
It is not length of life, but depth of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hope you enjoyed these awesome the best quotes about life. Please Don’t forget to share the best quotes about life to your Friends and family member and you might want to check out our list of quotes for friendship with images as well.